Friday, 9 November 2012

Hallam Head Space presents...

'Break the Silence'

"I type in "Mental Health" into our universities on-line portal and get 55 results.  Good start - I can do this. 
First link takes me to an explanation - "What is mental health support?"  This is useful stuff…..but it doesn't tell me where to go… I click back and the next link tells me how I can see a mental health advisor.  Excellent!  A phone number and email address……
But I daren't call anyone…. I'm not used to talking on the phone and I feel embarrassed and silly. 
So I'll email then….Yes.  I'll email.  That’s a better idea. 
But what do I say?
"Excuse me, I am really stressed out.  I'm not sleeping or eating properly and I just generally feel rubbish." - They'll think it's because I'm out partying every night….
But I'm not.
And what will I do if they reply asking me to go and see them?  Where would I have to go?  What if my friends see me going and think I'm crazy? What if I get laughed at? 
No…I won't email.  I'll keep looking; maybe there is something else that will help me.  I definitely need some help.

The next link takes me to a big list of other links and this stuff is really great - there are workshops on here, drop-in details, self-help resources….those are good.  I'll have a look at those soon. 
I probably won't go to the workshops.  
I don't think I'll go to the drop-in sessions either. 
I might use the self-help resources, they look really good, but I'm not sure I really need them.

The workshops and drop-ins all seem a bit open and not in the least bit anonymous.  Uncertainty and new things make me nervous. 
I'm nervous enough as it is.
I wonder what happens to your information once they take it from you.  I wonder if it is linked to your academic record.
I'll have to look into that.

I do need to do something though. 
All these resources for depression and other illnesses.  Do I have one of those?
I don't know.  I think I'm being silly.
There are other people much worse off than me and I should be grateful for what I have.
I don't need these resources…..I'm just being stupid….I just have too much to do that’s all.
It will get better after exams.
But then I have semester 2 exams…what will I do then?"

An NUS Survey - Silently Stressed, 2011, highlighted that 80% of students would not seek help for a mental health issue due to the embarrassment and stigma associated with it.

Less than 20% of students would access university services.

The extract above is from a Level 5 Student.
Hallam Head Space is aiming to Break the Silence on Mental Health and encourage people to get talking about it - in order to smash that 80% figure down to one that is much more acceptable.

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